The Malayalam film “Kumbalangi Nights” is one of the best Indian films of recent times. It has several primary characters, and plots and subplots, and it deals with emotions of all kinds. Apart from its wonderful music and delightful performances, the film showcases impeccable craftsmanship through its writing. Watch it (on Amazon Prime or rent it on Youtube) and join Satyanshu as he discusses the screenwriting lessons this movie offers.
This lecture is brought to you in association with Lost The Plot.
About Lost The Plot: Founded by Nikita Naiknavare in 2013, Lost The Plot is India’s only dedicated non-theatrical film distributor and curator. They enable 100% licensed movie screenings – a mix of Hollywood greats & Indian independent films – in out of the box spaces, helping venues and brands craft unique interactive experiences that bring people together against the backdrop of great cinema. From bars and community spaces to camping sites, resorts, members’ clubs as well as educational and corporate campuses, they facilitate screenings for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. They share curated film suggestions, movie trivia, filmmaking related information, and discuss cinema culture on their Instagram page.